four men sitting at table during certifications course

Training & Certifications Made Easy

Save time and eliminate frustration while contributing to employee retention and company growth. We create employee training and certification programs that are inspirational and dare we say, even fun.

Custom Designed

Peer Motivated

Develop Culture

Do you dread creating in-house training programs?

We can help. Training and certification programs aren’t easy to design or teach. Not to mention, most company leaders aren’t experts in creating engaging educational tools for their staff, and most employees don’t want to “learn from the boss.”

We believe that professional development doesn’t have to be an added burden for leaders or their crews. It should be something everyone is motivated to participate in rather than a drudgery where attendance is “required.”

cLearn was a game changer. We were able to collaboratively create and offer certification programs that help our members develop their business.

Megan Carroll — Executive Officer, Builders Association of the Blue Ridge

We know how to create inspirational, impactful programs for organizations like yours

Your team is your biggest asset. Providing them with opportunities for professional growth is critical to their success and yours.

We listen and embrace your culture. Then we go to work building delightful training and certification programs that engage participants, keep their attention, and inspire them to be ambassadors for your company. 

You get added time to run your business, while we create interactive, lively training classes that participants, from field managers to carpentry crew members, will actually look forward to.

To discuss your pain points & define your goals.

Your Path to Company Growth & Staff Retention

Schedule a Call

To discuss your pain points & define your goals.

Get cLearn Certified

Let us help build your customized employee growth and retention program.

Relax with Confidence

Inspire your team and level up your company’s credibility.

Get Started Today

Investing in cLearn programs is investing in your success.

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Jeff gets us! He immediately understood our culture and worked with us to create a certification program for our field managers that they absolutely embraced. It feels like he’s a part of our team.

Brian Sineath — Sineath Construction
Jeff Makey

About your Designer: Jeff Makey

Did you know that at any given time, a third of your class isn’t listening to you? Jeff understands how to keep participants engaged and interested so they not only stay awake, but are delighted to take an active role in learning. With a degree in teaching construction safety and industrial rescue, plus decades of experience, he creates content that connects. Jeff has a proven track record in his field, creating curriculums for training programs that have stood the test of time (10+ years) and are still in use today.

Affiliations and Certifications

Asheville Homebuilders logo
webinar certified logo
excellence award logo